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Monday, November 28, 2011

Tips dan Ramalan SPM KIMIA 2011

Paper II
Section A

1- Melting and freezing points (chapter 2)
- Periodic 3 and transition metal (explain all physical properties)
2.- Voltaic cell ( combination Daniell and Electrolytic cell)
3.- role of water shows the properties of acid
- preparation of standard solution
4.- U –tube
- Displacement of halides
5.- Rate of reaction
(Graph, calculation of mole, volume and collision theory)
6. - Heat of displacement / heat of precipitation

Section B
7.- Contact process / Haber process
- Alloy
-Soap and detergent

8.- Empirical formula
- Covalent / ionic bond (draw and explain)

Section C

9.- Testing cation and anion
- Experiment: Preparation of soluble salt
10.- Carbon compounds
- Experiment : To distinguish between alkene and alkane

Section A

Ionic compound and covalent compound
Voltaic cell
Construct Ionic equation by CVM
Rate of reaction
Reactivity metal toward oxygen
Rusting of iron

Section B

Heat of combustion
To compare the conductivity of ionic and covalent compound
To investigate the type of electrode/anode affect selective ions to be discharged
To investigate the pair metal affect the potential difference
To investigate the effect of acid and alkali on coagulation of latex
To investigate the effect diff. metal contact with iron nail on rusting
To investigate reactivity metal toward oxygen
To investigate position of carbon in the reactivity series of metal
To compare the heat of neutralization
To compare heat of combustion
To compare hardness of pure metal and alloy

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